Crave - Taking a spin on a real-life hoverboard

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction Inventor Greg Henderson shows off the Hendo hoverboard, which uses "magnetic field architecture" to levitate people and objects. Hover engine developer kits are now available on Kickstarter for creatives to float just about anything. Crave's Stephen Beacham gives the futuristic ride a go.


  1. i want to see it in a non conductive ground
  2. I mean I admit it is a neat toy and it looks pretty cool, but lets be rea,l this technology is very impractical and as a toy alone not worth 10000$.
  3. people say hoverbords are a myth ITS A LIE
  4. thats cool
  5. when is gonna come out 2017 2018 .....
  6. kikstarter scam :D
  7. Technically this will work with any diamagnetic surface. This includes: wood, flesh, concrete, water--or pretty much anything that is not paramagnetic such as iron. The trouble is generating a strong enough magnetic field to interact with these materials. So in reality, it is a power issue; not a, "it's fake and doesn't work" issue.
  8. Buy! Buy! Buy! Please Link
  9. Wow, this is cool
  10. I have a flying spaghetti monster, I mean hovering.
  12. now if only this was real
  13. That's just a linear induction machine. The fact the board floats is not very impressive. This tech is at least 50 years old.
  14. I believe that but if you lie to me you will ruin my future but I believe this is true.
  15. check Thunderf00t's debunk of this bs
  16. grats they made a rideable magnet
  17. Earth isn't it magnetic ?
  18. lol not in the sense of Eddie current, you would have to throw that out the window, I'm taking a motor that is a 1/4 inch thick and 8" wide looks like two big rings one spins inside of the other like how a bearing works. I have made prototype of it,it works just needs more...... minds.....
  20. He did not say that this was a finished product, but a concept that he wants people to play around with. Basically he started the concept and wants other inventors to design something better with it. :P So much hate really.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 880427

Duration: 2m 55s

Rating: 3956