Data Structures and Algorithms in the 21st Century

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Jacinta Catherine Richardson Data structures and algorithms are essential tools in the developer's toolkit, yet it is an area that is too easy to get behind in. The essential algorithms you learned whenever you did Computer Science probably included: 1. Shortest path and tree (and graph) traversals - depth-first, breadth first, cycle management 2. Sorting - quick sort, bubble sort, merge sort, binary sort 3. Searching - binary trees, B-trees, B+trees, red-black trees 4. Specific problems - knapsack problem, painters algorithm, decision trees 5. Algorithm tecniques - divide and conquer, backtracking, creating NFAs You might also have learned the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and the Convolution theorem. For data structures you might have learned: 1. Matrices 2. Linked lists 3. Hashing 4. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) from Linear Algebra This talk will overview some of the more interesting parts of the above (such as the FFT, convolution theorem, and SVD) before providing an overview of some of the more interesting algorithms developed in the last 16 years.


  1. Pop journalism disguised as tech & science :(

Additional Information:

Visibility: 1751

Duration: 41m 1s

Rating: 15