Davos 2015 - The End of Democracy?

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

http://www.weforum.org/ Mass protest movements in the 21st century in many instances have resulted in state failures rather than stable democracies. Can governments that dissociate economic from political freedoms endure and prosper over the long term? - What has gone wrong with democracy? - How can democracy be revived? • Angel Gurría, Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris; World Economic Forum Foundation Board Member. • John W. Hickenlooper, Governor of Colorado, USA. • Vitaliy Klitschko, Mayor of Kyiv, Ukraine. • Ali Tarhouni, President, Constitution Drafting Assembly of Libya, Libya. • Wang Hui, Professor of Modern Chinese Thought and Literature, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Tsinghua University, People's Republic of China. Moderated by • Ngaire Woods, Dean, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, United Kingdom; Meta-Council on the New Architecture of Governance.


  1. If every one on the panel have confidence in democracy, what's the debate?
  2. chinese people want ideal values - democracy, freedom and rule of law

    akin to
    everyone want to become rich and prosperous

    it does not meant that they hate current system
    it does not meant that they love western model
    it does not meant that they opposed current system
    it does not meant that they dont think that current system wont bring them to such goal.
  3. since when overthrowing legitimate govt, dictator regime, authoritarian govt had become " democracy"

    democracy is a peaceful approach by voting them out of power.

    now, western expert try to say that violent revolution is a  " virtue of democracy"
  4. rise of CHINA would bring democracy to the world

    it is different concept of democracy

    which challenge US dominated , US centric world .

    democracy put more emphasis on stability, governance,  efficiency, and livelihoods people as paramount importance than empty speeches often made by the western politician ( free speech, free media, rule of law)

    it stay forever as" IDEAL values." ( not attainable by human beings)

    even today, US dont enjoy true democracy

    as majority of american people told us that US is not democracy but  a republic

    this is HARD TRUTH

    which US media, US expert, US lawmaker, US regime refuse to reveal such fact.
  6. Where are the democratic countries headed?
    Is the democratic UK headed to a split of the country?
    Is the democratic Greece headed to live with the borrowed money?
    Is the democratic India headed to contribute more poverty people?
    Is the democratic Iraq today headed to nurture more terrorists?
    Is the democratic Mexico headed to an untrusted democratic government in the world?
    More importantly, are the democratic countries headed to WWIII?
    Can the summer Olympic games be held once every two years to promote healthy competition instead of war?
  7. History tells us: All developed nations become democrat countries after they have been developed. No single poor country with western style democracy become developed nations. Name one country if you can.
    Some describe western-style democracy as drugs such as Opium, once you have tasted it, you can not get rid of it, similar to one way dead-end traffic.
    Some describe western-style democracy as diseases, once you introduced the democracy, then the whole country is in disorder mentally.
    So the countries must be rich to have resources for the democracy.
    Poor countries can also have democracy, but they will remain poor forever due to the democracy.
    UK exported the Opium to the world via war in the name of free trading.
    US is exporting the Opium to the world via war in the name of "Democracy"
     ____________________________ Extracted from others
    We know people are easily addicted to it and that's why there are chaos, poverty and wars in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Thailand, Ukraine, Philippines, Afghanistan, Turkey, Egypt, India, etc.....
  8. They should let Mr. Eric X Li to tell them what the situation of democracy in the world and the possible solution ...
  9. The matter of fact is that once democracy is controlled by interests group or industrial compounds, then it become another kind of dictatorship, like USA. Look back the 20 century how many wars USA created ... Those behaviours should be results of democracy deserved?
  10. Moderator creating chaos
  11. If democracy can be bought one way or another (lobby, Citizens United, campaign contributions), what kind of democracy is it?

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