Dear Modern Architect Lovers

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

I hate modern architecture. If you have the chance to build a building, make it Art Deco, Victorian, Romanesque Revival. Nothing after the 1930s.


  1. I agree, though some like it and should be considdered. it's especially sad to see beautiful old and historic archetecure bulldozed to make way for often cold, souless and lifeless buildings. Here in the UK we lost many of our tudor buildings in the 1950s due to post war rejuvenation. Obviously we had to clear war wrecked buildings but even beautiful and undamaged buildings were bulldozed. this paved the way for modernism that is sadly still replacing fine heritage globally. it is simply over- innovation, like trying to reinvent the wheel. people think that old is to be replaced, new to be favoured, this is not always the case. Older buildings change as they age due to their construction, this mimics the processes of life, they are often not quite perfect which mimics our nature and they carry subtle messages in their styles that relate to human qualities. like the proud jettied tutor buildings, graceful victorian builds etc. modern buildings are static, charicterless and will remain the same, leading to them looking dated, vs the almost artistic aging of older buildings leading to them being perceived as worthy of respect due to the messages they instill of having 'lived', surviving hardship and still convaying the beauty of their original construction through all their years.
  2. ugh modern i the best. simple and clean. sorry you don't even know what symmetry means. not everyone likes clutter and busy looking homes. i like large clean windows concrete and metal. wood is ok when used as slight accents but ya. i agree with the random colors thing though i am very into grey scale these days.

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Visibility: 38

Duration: 6m 14s

Rating: 1