Deluxe: Futuristic House in Austrian Vineyard | euromaxx

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

On the shore of Neusiedler Lake there's an unusual building for the rural landscape. And Andreas Doser and Andrea Dämon's home is as uncompromising inside as it is outside.


  1. Looks like they are living in a sterile impersonal office block. Very cold and uninviting. Fail! Major fail!
  2. The only nice thing about this place is the view. The home looks posy and soulless
  3. 2 idiots from Germany who think they are "architects" and their UGLY house :) hahaha
  4. Simplistic, functional and gorgeous.
  5. i love that house. It is so clear, so simple, so chic. Very connected with nature. i like it very much. specially the living room. The view from the window is so nice. There is unnecesary pictures of art . It is just you with the nature.
  6. Hard to run around naked in a house with that many windows.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 15679

Duration: 4m 51s

Rating: 72