DIY Cedar Hot Tub (Episode 4): Building the Floor

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

All videos in the DIY cedar hot tub series: Tools we used to build this hot tub: Enjoy our videos? Want to see more? Learn how to support our channel here: In this video, we’d like to share with you the building of the floor for our wood fired hot tub. In looking at most cedar tubs on the market, it seems that the floors are constructed out of 2x6 clear cedar. While we could find that if we wanted to, it would be at a high cost, so we decided to build out of materials that were extremely affordable and available to us. Constructing the floor is fairly straightforward, but we hope to share a few tips and tricks with you in this video. In the end, you’ll need to do your own math and discover your own dimensions as tub and materials sizes may vary. POSTS FROM OUR BLOG Our Must-Have Homesteading Tools: Our Costs of Starting Our Homestead: Off Grid Water Solutions: 2015 Highlights of Our Living Off the Grid Journey: The Day We Moved to Our Off Grid Property: ENJOY THIS VIDEO? SUPPORT US WITHOUT PAYING A DIME! It takes us 40+ hours a week to document our journey on both our blog and our YouTube channel. If you enjoy watching our videos and want to help us to produce more of them, learn how you can help us without spending a dime! GET SOCIAL Follow us as we build our off grid homestead 100% from scratch! We post a lot of stuff to both our blog and our other social media channels that don't make it to YouTube, so be sure to follow us there for the full scoop of what we're working on! Blog: Instagram: Facebook: Pinterest: Twitter: EQUIPMENT USED TO PRODUCE THIS VIDEO Camera #1: Camera #2: Tripod: Macbook Pro: Editing software:


  1. The cricket in the background is so annoying! great vid!
  2. do what you love and the money will come lol
  3. 11/16th inch aka 1.718cm
  4. 4:46 "Magic number" means an even number of staves. Nothing magic about it.
  5. The 4x4's are called chime joists there is also chime footing these are 2x6 they spread the weight. These can be held in place with a small finish nail Never glue any part of a hot tub the glue will fail and you will get a leak. 2" floors are common because wood tank builders just by but in bigger tanks we use 3" wood. Avoid all sealers trust your joints not silicone.
  6. The glue expanding is not a bad thing. It assures you that you have a healthy seal on the floor of your tub. You are doing great. You're off to a great start and are really being level headed with your plan of action. You're approach to this whole thing is brilliant. You both have a admirable channel and your video's are very informative. sincerely, Dean O. :-I
  7. Looks like fun stuff, good post. HEY, and if you guys don't post something soon, I'm sending a crew out there to build post-haste!
  8. if you don't want to use v-groove why not just mill off the v with your table saw or router? a straight edge is just, what, ~1/8" away? the resulting, deeper tongue-and-groove joints would be stronger and even more leak resistant than what you have now or even regular t&g planks.
  9. Love your optimism guys. Brilliant ideas and great fun to watch. I live on the side of a hill in Ireland, and realise how humongous your country is!
  10. I'm pretty sure that you know 1" nominal boards are actually 3/4". the 1/4" is lost to finish planing. Some deck boards come in 5/4 ("five quarter") thickness so that the finish board is a true 1".

    Tongue and groove is typically NOT glued ! This allows individual boards to shrink and expand. Some glues don't work well with cedar because of the amount of natural oil (which is why it last so long and smells so good).

    Polyurethane glues (Gorilla Glue) swell as they cure. An alternative waterproof glue is Titebond III.
  11. Can I jump in when your done.I guess it would be a pretty big jump from Baltimore
  12. We may get to see Alyssa in a bikini (wink wink) lol.
  13. Never let anyone steal your joy!  There are those who always have an opinion.  I understand about the hot tub.....relax and be therapeutic for those sore muscles and backs, relax, and clean.....I respect HOW you are doing your projects. Plus, doing things the way you are, you are learning the necessary skills to eventually build a real nice home....dream home.  Experience is everything.  Some people are just too jealous of your life and abillities.....ignore them.  Like I've said, you guys rock!
  14. Great series, I can not wait to see what you are using to heat the hot tube. A good polyurethane glue will expand as it dries, but you get a wonderful water tight seal, especially if you put down #2 glass cloth and epoxy. You won't even see the glass cloth and it lasts forever- I use the WEST system on my wooden boat. (on the floor only, let the side expand naturally) I like how she does all the cutting :-) Love that cat !!!
  15. And all said and done this cost you less than the $3500 Snorkel Hot Tub....?
  16. Started watching you guys about a month ago, very informative and entertaining. My wife and I are closing on our home this week, and although we are not going off-grid, we will be setting up a homestead type lifestyle. Thank you for your posts, I follow instagram as well!
  17. They're young and in STILL in love people. Not old and cranky like us. Give 'em some slack on the roof over their heads thing! Jeesh!! ....Remember when you were young and in love?....(ok maybe not)....the house will happen. When did this turn in to the grumpy old muppets in the balcony channel? They have a modern trailer to retreat to.... let's focus on the woodwork here people. Why do i feel like i'm in seventh grade wood shop again? ....Nice circle Alyssa. Well done. I also would have like to seen the glue kerfuffle, but alas an extra vid later to be sure. Now hurry before the social police arrive and cart you both away for not building like grandma and grandpa would.....jeeeeesh! oh yeah and that woodstove choice...i didn't say a word honest. And if it's Alicia i do apologize......senior moments occur
  18. Any insight to give about what the house will be like? Sq ft? One or two story? Going to have any interesting power sources like solar, wind, or one of those wood syngas / wood gasification furnaces? (since you guys seem to have lots of free "fuel"). Or any natural energy savers like thick walls, part earth berm, lots of south facing windows, or indoor thermal mass with sun exposure to retain heat?
  19. I don't want to jinx you but can't help remembering digging a swimming hole in South Carolina many years ago. We dug a 20 x 20 x 6 foot deep hole and had a blast swimming in it. One day about 3 weeks later we noticed there were about 6 cotton mouth snakes in it... END OF SWIMMING SEASON FOR US !
    So in you case I visualize your hot tub becoming a 'nice ' BIRD sanctuary and bird bath for the local critters :-} LOL Good Luck !
  20. I was wondering if you should have skipped the glue. If you think about a wine barrel they don't use glue and the liquid swells the fibers closed.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 46784

Duration: 6m 8s

Rating: 866