"'DOWNTON ABBEY': with a splash of color"

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

written by Yolanda K. Wilkinson for TOO MUCH LIGHT MAKES THE BABY GO BLIND (30 PLAYS IN 60 MINUTES) (Created by Greg Allen). featuring Cecil Baldwin, Roberta Colindrez, Kate Jones, Christopher Loar, Dylan Marron, Dan McCoy, Flor De Liz Perez, and Yolanda K. Wilkinson. filmed on December 14th, 2012 by Natalie Molina & Hillary Osborn. recorded at The Kraine Theater in New York City.


  1. wine product?
  2. I feel so bad for Roberta 😂😂
  3. I do not get this at all.
  4. Dylon is a coat.
  5. cecil's english accent is adorable and holy shit the fact that dylan is hugging him all the time is just the best
  6. Omg Dylan's face
  7. Muttonchops. And the PBS joke. Excellent prop intensity.
  8. Dylan and Cecil I'm screaming omf~
  9. that poor table!
  10. I love how Dylan(Carlos :3) is hugging Cecil(cecil lol) XD to cute
  11. I would enjoy watching Dylan continuously hug Cecil for an extended period of time within any context, but the comedy is certainly a bonus.
  12. Dylan oh my god
  13. This show is amazing, I can't wait to go see it again XD
    Come back to the Fringe Festival next year too! :D
  15. cecilos shippers be screamin
  16. Do you know where I can find the full show?

Additional Information:

Visibility: 10756

Duration: 2m 6s

Rating: 270