Drawing Architecture & Phi

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

This video is about drawing architecture by hand, hand drafting, hand drawing and using the golden rectangle or phi as an underlay for Elevations, Plans, Sections, Site Plans, Interiors and even perspectives. The video shows Doug Patt using his parallel rule, adjustable triangle, mechanical pencil, electric eraser, to draw by hand throughout. This is a video series about facts in architecture. The 15 second videos featured in the series are created by Doug and posted every day on his Instagram account @dougpatt. http://www.howtoarchitect.com https://www.instagram.com/dougpatt/


  1. Can anyone explain me about the phi thing or something curvy as we see in the video?
  2. does anyone know a good book that will explain golden ratio or additional information to help understand the topic?
  3. I love you
  4. Inspiring
  5. AH I would like to see some nice technical drawing tutorials or rendering as well this is great!
  6. great
  7. Thank you for your great videos,

    I want to ask you something, I'm finishing my first year in architecture these days, now I really like architecture and how buildings are designed, my grades are very good in all subjects except DESIGN STUDIO, I'm not doing well at it

    The problem that I'm afraid that maybe I'm not talented enough to be an architect because I'm doing in math much better than design

    I'm really confused these days and I don't know either stay in architecture or change to civil (because I'm very good at math)

    I hope that you can give me an advice, because now I like architecture but I'm not sure if I'm good at it
  8. That's cute
  9. What is the name of the pencil you were using.
    It looks really cool
  10. Cool stuff!
  11. Wouldn't it be easier to do it on computer?
  12. I should send you a phi triangle.
  13. This is just bizarre, i first heard about the golden ratio couple of days ago, and searched about it today for the first time, and here you are posting a video related to it. Got to do more research 🙌🏽
  14. Do more videos about the golden ratio in real architecture and drawing please :) Make a video on how to apply it. I searched on the internet for it for an extremely extended amount of time and found just one video that tries to explain the concept. Please do a video on this subject :D
  15. Congratulations on 100,000 subscribers!
  16. you should do rendering tutorials!
  17. Mindblown

Additional Information:

Visibility: 24701

Duration: 2m 43s

Rating: 249