Droneport: A catalyst to leapfrog conventional infrastructure in developing countries

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Norman Foster’s vision of a Droneport network combines the dynamic futurism of drone technology with low-tech buildings using local materials and 800-year-old building techniques. The network aims to interconnect communities in developing countries that lack appropriate road or rail networks, enabling urgent medical supplies and cargo to be delivered quickly and cost-effectively. The LafargeHolcim Foundation became involved in the project to refine LafargeHolcim’s low-carbon compressed earth Durabric that met the structural requirements using local materials and labor. For more info see www.lafargeholcim-foundation.org/biennale


  1. I am annoyed that these people keep referring to Africa as if it was a simple country that is just 'green jungle' everywhere. If your project is in Rwanda, speech about Rwanda, and don't utter misinformed statements such as "the green and lush landscape of Africa". What is also striking is, judging from this video, that the process of this research project didn't seem to have included anyone from the African continent, or any academic institutions that are in African countries.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 1056

Duration: 7m 55s

Rating: 10