Dynamic Architecture - Rotating Tower

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

This Dynamic Architecture building by David Fisher will be constantly in motion changing its shape. It will also generate electric energy for itself. more at http://www.kineticarchitecture.net See more information, for example plumbing at kineticarchitecture.net http://blog.kineticarchitecture.net/2008/04/ein-pionier/


  1. How do you do that
  2. it is so cool i even saw this in school
  3. monolith from dead space
  4. How are they going to build that?
  5. i bet would be difficuilt to get inside the building

    Yes, in a cool way
  7. Wouldn't people get rlly dizzy?
  8. it is built
  9. What the heck
  10. Thats amazing!!!my dad works at dubai!!!i wonder if he saw this?
  11. CN Tower & Seattle Space Needle. It's possible people!
  12. I don't know I think they can do it
  13. WTH is this
  14. Is this life rite now!!!!!!
  15. Optical illusion
  16. if this thing even works... it would last for like 3 days then malfunction .... sorry for being a downer
  17. 2 words : SEWAGE PIPES !!?

    for crying out loud 😩
  18. there is a hole in the middle
  19. You have to time your enterence, (gets hit by door and dies)
  20. if thar thing gets built...imma quit civil engineering

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2049103

Duration: 1m 31s

Rating: 3437