Elgin's Art Deco Heritage

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Art Deco was a wildly popular design stye that originated in Paris France in the mid' 1920's, and influenced art, fashion, interior design and architecture around the globe. Elgin Illinois played an important role in popularizing the Art Deco movement internationally. We'll tell you how in this 30-minute Cable TV program. This production was a collaboration between the Elgin Area Historical Society and the Chicago Art Deco Society.


  1. So interesting, thanks! p.s. The Lady or The Tiger: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lady,_or_the_Tiger%3F
  2. Thank you!!  You'll have another visitor!  :)
  3. Great job! Elgin rocks!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 7546

Duration: 28m 31s

Rating: 51