EmeraldPlanet - Building Sustainable Communities in Post Conflict and Post Disaster Environments

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Subscribe to our channel for upcoming shows and environmental information. Studio Guests: Dr. Joseph N. Pelton, Chair(Ret.), International Space Univiersity. Author, "Future Cities and MegaCrunch 10 Survival Strategies for the 21st Century Jerome Glenn, Executive Director, The Milliennium Project Dr. Michael D. McDonald, President, Global Heath Initiatives., Director, National Sustainable Infrastructure Working Group., Chief Architect, United States Resilience System ======================================================== Global terrorism and natural disasters have led our Departments of Defense and State, and healthcare, humanitarian and religious organizations to initiate new cooperative and collaborative post conflict/post disaster engagements with regional NGOs in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. In these regions, diverse tribal affiliations, weak governments and life sustaining infrastructures, and chronic tribal conflicts continually set back these coalitions' sustainable progress goals, and provide easy opportunities for terrorists to disrupt progress. Our panelists are adapting United States practices, policies, innovations, and cultural engagement strategies in these regions, and seeking to advance innovations in alternative energy, healthcare, water purification, shelter, education, along with port, border, and critical infrastructure security and surveillance. These global leaders are adapting sustainable "best practices" communications, sensor/monitoring, crisis response, and on-site community development operations to varied cross-cultural environments around the globe. Such sustainable practices are establishing trusted relationships with organizational partnerships that ensure resiliency and recovery capacities in response to future crises in the Horn of Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. www.emerald-planet.org http://tinyurl.com/6qphtxr (Facebook) http://twitter.com/#!/emeraldplanet1 (Twitter) http://tinyurl.com/7a2ru7f (Linkedin)


  1. We are barely making due with our declining economy, resources and engery and your solution is this scifi ideology? Get real.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 183

Duration: 58m 1s

Rating: 0