Evolution Door

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

see also: www.torggler.co.at Klemens Torggler's doors are kinetic art objects based on rotating squares. The special invention makes it possible to move the object sideways without the use of tracks. The EvolutionDoor concept as well as any other concept by Klemens Torggler are copyright protected as individual artistic creations, including several embodyments of the sculptures. The protection is internationally valid.


  1. Doors worth 3 million, man might fall through floor.
  2. That squeaky ass floor would drive me insane!
  3. Wow
  4. other than looking cool is there a benefit to this kind of door?
  5. Why don't you sell this shit, you'd make more bank than a bank robber
  6. good
  7. Part origami. Part moving sculpture. Functional art.
  9. The Door is everything. All that once was and all that will be. The Door controls time and space love and death. The Door can into your mind. The Door can see into your sooooooooouuuuuuuul
  10. Excelente trabajo. que tipo de unión utiliza en el centro.
  11. Very cool! hinges???? how they work?
  12. amazing. this is what we need in this world.
  13. Кошка откроет такую дверь?
  14. Can we hold that door?
  15. brilliant idea
  16. If you don't want this you're crazy
  17. Normal rotating outwards doors = Huge waste of space and often end up being in the way.

    Sliding doors = A pain to clean up the rails which stop working well as soon as some dust and dust accumulates.

    But now those new doors are good doors !

    However, these doors seem more like art objects -costly "niche" product- than a true door revolution for everybody.

    My personal criterions for the perfect door:

    - Easy to open/close/lock/unlock without any effort, even grandma who has barely enough strength to lift a can of peas, will be able to do it.

    - Thin and lightweight. Yet, soundproof too.

    - Space saving. The door opens and goes hidden inside the wall. When fully open,the door "'nicely" fits to fill in the wall enclosure so that the passageway seems seamless.

    - At least 20 cm higher. The current door frame standard is totally outdated. Many adults reach over 6 feet tall already. And a few inches higher would also make moving tall furniture much easier).

    - At least 10 cm wider. When people move furniture currently you either have a door barely wide enough to let the furniture through and you have to be super careful (welcome, crushed fingers!), or you have to fully remove the door to get that extra couple inches you needed. People in wheelchairs or carrying grocery bags also often have trouble passing through normal width doors.

    - Safe mechanisms: young kids won't get their fingers broken because of strange moving parts.

    - Out of the way: When door opens it goes inside an enclosure in the wall.

    - Ideally, the new door frame size (including the wall enclosure) is also a new worldwide standard for doors.

    - Extremely easy to clean. Door itself of course but also the entire door path in 3D space, and the door mechanism, and the door enclosure inside the wall. All parts using modern design and materials that all fit together in a seamless way.

    - Easy to maintain and repair. Maybe the wall enclosure itself could probably be some kind of door too (this one a plain rotating door), in order to give easy access to the hidden mechanism part (and easier cleaning of wall recessed part). This would allow for easy passage of extra-wide furniture like for example a piano.

    - Long lasting materials.

    - Easy emergency escape. Think door frame slightly twisted after an earthquake, door "jammed" closed, and you suddenly are imprisoned inside your own room. There should be a way to just pop out the whole thing or easily open or punch through a cheap panel or open a subtly disguised emergency escape hatch. In fact that last one is probably a good choice as it would allow quickly allowing a house pet dog to exit/enter without having to fully open the door, with capacity to leave the mini-door-into-the-door locked or unlocked.

    - All things considered, quite affordable, especially when planned to be added to a new construction (we all know how costs for custom wall enclosures can rise quickly).

    - Hi-tech nanorobotic tentacles that hidden inside the door that pop out to latch onto and entangle any burglar approaching the door, also automatically warning you and the police.

    Ok, maybe not that last one.
  18. awesome
  19. GENIUS!
  20. Why would you create something so desirable and practical to improve human society and then make it your own intellectual property not to be shared? That's pretty selfish for an artist, isn't it? It would have so many useful applications and I want at least two of them, but you're not even selling them? Wow.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 4432232

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 15516