Fences Official Trailer #1 (2016) Denzel Washington, Viola Davis Drama Movie HD

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Fences Trailer 1 (2016) Denzel Washington, Viola Davis Drama Movie HD [Official Trailer]


  1. This movie is very strong literally felt like I was living with them..one of the best movies yet.
  2. I didn't like this movie...
  3. this was a fuckin awesome movie. it deserves an Oscar.
  4. another Stellar Amazing and Excellent performance by Denzel Washington The King, they did him wrong at the oscars , so that the other guy could win. I hope they know they did Mr Washington wrong .
  5. This movie sucks balls
  6. Never seen any viola davis' role where she does not have a runny nose
  7. My family and I saw this film, today. Without a doubt, this is among the best written, directed, and acted films I have ever had the privilege of seeing. And, to think one of my favorite actors, Denzel Washington, did double duty in this film; directing and acting. Were more film makers and directors able to capture the human condition in the ways Denzel Washington did in this film, we would have a higher quality of film hitting the screens across America.
  8. just finished watching the full movie..its great!
  9. He is a rather unpleasant man.
  10. This movie has very good acting but I can't believe they celebrate the death of his father at the end. He was such a crappy father. Never said I Love you to his son, said to him he doesn't have to like him. Never let his son follow his dreams. Blamed and took out his life frustrations on his family and cheated on his wife then had her raise somebody else's daughter. What a worthless human being. After all that he thought he was the man of the house because he worked as a garbage man. Please dude......
  11. who came here from kingbach ??
  12. putting Rhode Island on the map we named a street after her
  13. very good actors very boring movie i expected much more
  14. This movie can be a lesson to you,  instead of thinking about having a Dad that didn't meet your approval You can be the Dad you wanted to your kids
  15. This movie was over the top
  16. I am reading the book for literature​
  17. 1:37 "Well I've been standing with you!" The look on Zel's face is so authentic... he was close to tearing when he heard her response.
    This movie is full with outstanding scenes.
  18. do you need a tissue?
  19. I watched this it made no sense to me and I don't get nun

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3929414

Duration: 2m 30s

Rating: 14746