Floating cities of the future

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

The Seasteading Institute aims to create autonomous cities that can float in the middle of ocean. The institute held an architectural design contest for entries that can make their vision come true. One of the winning designs, Artisanopolis, is designed by Roark 3D. According to their design, the city cannot only float on water but travel the seas. Produced by Gene Kim Read more: http://www.techinsider.io/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/techinsider TWITTER: https://twitter.com/techinsider INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/tech_insider/ TUMBLR: http://techinsider.tumblr.com/


  1. This project was accepted and will happend in the waters of tahiti...between 120 existing island....60 of them have no one on them....
  2. How would Amazon deliver to your house?
  3. WE DONT NEED THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. this or aqueora?
  5. I am very much happy to tell you, that my country, The Philippines is a Great place to build your prototype of this project. The Philippines consist of 7,107 islands and have a strategic position on the Globe. The archipelago can provide a helm for the prototype against any known calamities. And our new Government Is very fond of improving the Philippines tourism, pretty sure the prototype can help it. Just contact our president, he'll be happy to know :D
  6. What about the waste management? Are we going to just dump all the sewage and trash into the oceans? :/
  7. Yes, why would we not try to utilize our oceans instead of looking for another planet. All of the preparation astronauts do to go into space is done in the water as well. Is it possible the solution is right in front of our eyes the entire time. Modify the air on our planet if need be. Plant millions of trees back on the land masses and move everyone onto the water. Just a thought. Wouldn't this be cheaper than space travel n colonizing Mars? Maybe a little less adventurous, but we could still explore space say for a vacation.
  8. 1:23  I nominate the nation of SEALAND to build this prototype. lol
  9. I am a very very optimistic person and i do think this can happen in our life times.
  10. No it wont get hit with a tsunami, it doesn't have to be in the ocean waters, it can be in seas like the Mediterranean, Caspian, Black, etc.
  11. cool concept
  12. ...Already been in the works by The Venus Project
  13. will not happen in my lifetime.
  14. what if there's a tsunami??
  15. The floating city on the TV show Stargate Atlantis is way better than this
  16. Not possible. Probably in another 150 years

Additional Information:

Visibility: 18980

Duration: 1m 30s

Rating: 163