Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction brings you FOUR HORSEMEN - an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works. As we will never return to 'business as usual' 23 international thinkers, government advisors and Wall Street money-men break their silence and explain how to establish a moral and just society. FOUR HORSEMEN is free from mainstream media propaganda -- the film doesn't bash bankers, criticise politicians or get involved in conspiracy theories. It ignites the debate about how to usher a new economic paradigm into the world which would dramatically improve the quality of life for billions. Subtitles available in English, French, Greek, Spanish and Portuguese. "It's Inside Job with bells on, and a frequently compelling thesis thanks to Ashcroft's crack team of talking heads -- economists, whistleblowers and Noam Chomsky, all talking with candour and clarity." - Total Film "Four Horsemen is a breathtakingly composed jeremiad against the folly of Neo-classical economics and the threats it represents to all we should hold dear." - Harold Crooks, The Corporation (Co-Director) Surviving Progress (Co-Director/Co-Writer) Follow us on on or visit our website Support us by subscribing here


  1. It's truly unbelievable how off base this film is.
  2. No not a very good analysis. it is naive to suggest that the U.S. government was every for the "people." Read Madison's Federalist Paper #10. He is very specific about it being a government designed to protect the property rights of the rich.
  3. Key question at 31:30- is the system we have today in fact capitalism? Max Keiser has the answer: well, sort of. It's a hybrid of socialism for the rich and laissez-faire for the rest of us.
  4. Global warming is not real! wtf were doomed
  5. In my opinion there is one more horseman hiding. The over population. It can harm any monetary standard like gold, quality of food is dropping and since robotics introduced it to the market work places reduced significantly.

    I don't promote mass genocide or something. If just out of logic humans would decide to have only one or two children, it would help to counter many issues we have worldwide. The need to heavily reproduce, with health care we can provide today and safety we created with cities, is not logical or maybe even moral.
  6. even today few top people are doing the same thing and having control. why don't the policy makers change the structure why don't this kind of documentary is spreading out to the people.
  7. Haha wow, what a complete misunderstanding of free-market economics.
  8. P.S. It's the Jews
  10. The movie criticized Milton Friedman on debt over Keynes the master of the debt system and propaganda... wow just wow!
  11. Okay YouTube instead of sitting on here just saying how the world is corrupt, go do something about it, if we don't all join and fight, our world will end sooner than later!
  12. Nice documentary
  13. -_-
  14. Don't be part of the mindless herd of Sheeple that are puppets of media and the rich
  15. 1:33:17 "History is littered with examples of people who threw themselves of the yoke of oppression to adopt radical change only to end up with popular new rulers that maintain the status quo." The fundamental issue that this documentary does not address is also the root cause of all suffering caused by greed, corruption and financial abuse. The human Ego. Not even one word has been addressed in that direction which makes you question the validity of its intent. Every perfect ideology in the past has failed because it neglected this simple factor. People drown themselves in ideologies, schemes of fair taxation because they are possessed by their minds. They think that the mind will solve anything. And the mind becomes corrupted by the Ego and psychopaths become rulers at the top of hierarchy. This documentary comes with some solutions that address the issues at the surface to replace one system of organising slaves with the another one that gives them a bit more freedom. If you want to know the truth go in the search field and type: osho or Eckhar Tolle, or Hista Krishnamurti.
  16. I think that humanity's greatest sin is complacency.
  17. The US is the terrorist of the world. The US military is sucking up a far greater percentage of the taxpayers money than those on welfare. I am really tired of hearing about how this is necessary so that we can defend ourselves against third world countries and assist jew prime minister Netanyahue whenever he picks a fight with his neighboring countries. If the US government spent that money assisting in the development of alternative resources, instead of constantly stirring the pot in the middle east in an attempt to steal their oil, there is no limit to what we could achieve,
  18. As much as I loved this Documentary, I have to say that it will not change a damn thing in this World. The main reason why everything in this World is fucked up, is because the average IQ of a person is lower than that of a goldfish. People don't want to be confronted with anything that challenges their comfort zone. People like to blame others, but seeing themselves responsible is for most of them 'not done'. Seeing yourself responsible for voting on people who care more about corporations than yourself, and realizing that you are a nobody for the government, is for a lot of people too confronting. The gospel of this World is: "Consume or Die". In this World money is more valuable then your life. And if you look on a grander scale. On a 4 billion year scale of Earth's existence, your life, your existence is really nothing meaningful. within a certain period of time, your existence will not even be remembered, or even known. And all this debate about money, power, religion, right and wrong, will be pointless, just a like a second in Earth's existence. At least one day you and everyone else will die. Even those you love or hate. Humanity needs the Earth, the Earth does not need humans to exist.
  19. "The things you own end up owning you"
    -- Tyler Durden
  20. So bill Clinton is directly responsible for 2009 recession and a good part of this country wanted to put his wife in office. Obama created the dodd frank act which isn't like glass steel it killed small banks and made big banks more powerful. Trump took down the dodd frank act and you got that crazy old bat berne sanders criticising him for it saying that the big banks wanted to get rid of dodd frank. The big banks wanted the dodd frank act. I think they purposely made bill Clinton remove glass steal and let our economy blow up just so they can put in dodd frank. You know in 2009 Iceland had a banking crisis too? They demanded like 130 billion dollars. They didn't pay it and the top 3 CEO of their big banks got arrested and charged with over 200 crimes. That guy saying oh u have to pay us 700 billion or we all go down. He needs to be in prison. All these evil bankers need to be killed for their crimes against humanity

Additional Information:

Visibility: 5809491

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 45966