Foxglove | Black Buddha (Hong Kong)

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars. ~ The Great Gatsby Foxglove takes its patrons back to a more glamorous time, an era of jazz, art deco and glamourized travel by sea and air… that is if they can manage to find it. Hidden in the back of a bespoke umbrella shop (very Kingsman-ish), patrons know just the right touch to apply to gain entrance into another world and time. The main room is a large, luxuriously appointed room of white and blue with a massive vintage turbine fan on one end and a long well stocked bar on the other manned by dapper, bow-tied barkeeps. There are rumors of more secret rooms for the Great Gatsby and Frank Minzo’s among us, but we’ve been sworn to secrecy. To know for sure you’ll just need to make your way past the wall of umbrellas and hope you have the right touch.


  1. How do you enter? I couldn't find the umbrella to push

Additional Information:

Visibility: 1256

Duration: 1m 21s

Rating: 6