Freedom of the City Symposium: Dean Almy - "Colonization"

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

The Freedom of the City: Models of Urban Engagement & Creativity in the 21st Century at SMU Meadows School of the Arts in Dallas, TX April 9, 2011 Dean Almy is Associate Professor of Architecture and Director of the Graduate Programs in Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, U.T.-Austin. Almy has focused his teaching and research on urbanism and is the editor of Center 14: On Landscape Urbanism, published for U.T.'s Center for American Architecture and Design. Almy discusses the phenomena of gentrification. He then explains his practice of using dynamic landscape as a way to understand urbanism. By using existing elements in a community and hybridizing structures, cities are finding new and interesting ways to come together.


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 320

    Duration: 24m 9s

    Rating: 4