Future buildings: Out of this world skyscraper to hang off orbiting asteroid - TomoNews

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NEW YORK — There’s a bizarre new plan for what could be the world’s tallest building, and it’s literally out of this world. Instead of being built from the ground up, this futuristic skyscraper will be hanging down from the heavens. Analemma Tower is the brainchild of New York City-based Clouds Architecture Office. On their website, the firm details a mind-bending proposal for a tower suspended via cables from an asteroid that’s been repositioned to orbit the earth. The wandering skyscraper would be in a geosynchronous orbit, tracing a figure-8 path on its daily loop across the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The proposal calls for the tower to be constructed in Dubai, where, according to Clouds Architecture, construction costs are one-fifth of those in New York. Once completed, the massive structure will then be taken to New York via orbital transfer. With the upper part of Analemma constantly exposed to sunlight, power can be harnessed by space-based solar panels, while water can be filtered and recycled. Residential units will be placed two-thirds of the way up, with lower floors reserved for business and entertainment use. The plans don’t specify how to get on and off the property, but illustrations suggest people would do so via parachutes. With such an outrageous proposal, there’s no telling when, or if, the hanging tower will ever make it to the real world. ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­---------------- Go to https://www.patreon.com/tomonews and become a Patron now TomoNews is now on Patreon and we've got some cool perks for our hardcore fans. TomoNews is your best source for real news. We cover the funniest, craziest and most talked-about stories on the internet. Our tone is irreverent and unapologetic. If you’re laughing, we’re laughing. If you’re outraged, we’re outraged. We tell it like it is. And because we can animate stories, TomoNews brings you news like you’ve never seen before. Visit our official website for all the latest, uncensored videos: http://us.tomonews.com Check out our Android app: http://bit.ly/1rddhCj Check out our iOS app: http://bit.ly/1gO3z1f Get top stories delivered to your inbox everyday: http://bit.ly/tomo-newsletter See a story that should be animated? Tell us about it! Suggest a story here: http://bit.ly/suggest-tomonews Stay connected with us here: Facebook http://www.facebook.com/TomoNewsUS Twitter @tomonewsus http://www.twitter.com/TomoNewsUS Google+ http://plus.google.com/+TomoNewsUS/ Instagram @tomonewsus http://instagram.com/tomonewsus


  1. Obviously, no aerospace engineers work at this design company. This was not well thought through at all.
  3. Some archetechs are smoking too much. And media are sharing the fantasies.
  4. Sooooooooooooo fake
  5. tf..
  6. wait they put a asteroid right above earth what happens if the asteroid come down to earth are we all fu*k
  7. We All Know What Happened in HALO Right!??
  8. All it takes is some Muslims blowing up the cables at the top, and you have yourself falling humans in downtown Manhattan.
  9. there are some things you should know first one in that last one has some nasty flaws first one and asteroid cannot presume that much weight unless it will be dragged in and 2 it's too dangerous I don't remember what it was but there was an anime you should wear in the sky tower collapsed in the city and the pieces are falling down like massive asteroids crushing cities and towns around it for them they had Gundam vehicles we don't another word you're going to have to build those type two towers somewhere away from cities especially the space elevator do we need an asteroid to attach to them in orbit doing the same speed as the Earth this will help stay with the whole Tower and everything else other words if they take to those ideas and put them all together it probably would work
  10. The tower sounds too good to be true. There is no possible way to lift the damm thing off the ground. Every time the tower moves in to a different county you will need a passport and a work visa if you work on the tower and how your supposed to get on it and how will you control it. This idea is really a half baked brain child. Some of these ideas will not be as big as the clams.
  11. I'm guessing, no physicist had any input into this "futuristic skyscraper" and it was all done by architects AKA interior designers who know some math.
  12. for flat earthers
  13. fuck that noise
  14. Worlds tallest deathtrap.
  15. tower of babel
  16. Not a good idea.
  17. fake news.
  18. last time i heard about something being unsinkable it was the titanic
    and that turned out pretty great right
  19. how much can they build that skyscraper and the future airport

Additional Information:

Visibility: 9045

Duration: 8m 27s

Rating: 200