Future City Build the Model Video

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

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  1. it's look so good
  2. it looks SO CGI
  3. this very fake
  4. 2:20
    Wesley Matthews...
  5. How would we model a scooter, exactly?
  6. booo terible 
  7. love it.....
  8. Looks like crap
  9. I hate it too, I hate it because I'm going to be a Freshman, and I won't be able to participate again. ;-)
  10. Do you even realize the opportunity it presents? You learn that even the people who are quiet and usually not social have brilliant ideas. You open up to others when they open up to you. You learn not just about what the theme is, you learn about teamwork. I was in it and it was worth my time, all THIRTY HOURS I spent on it. Our teacher worked us to the bone, and we got 2nd out of 62, only losing from a team that also went to our school. Our school swept regionals. It was worth it.
  11. I also hate future city. It sucks my balls ;)
  12. I hate future city :)

Additional Information:

Visibility: 71418

Duration: 5m 3s

Rating: 166