Future New York City: 2020 Tallest Building Projects and Proposals - City of Luxury

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

New York City has recently begun a skyscraper boom erecting dozens of supertall buildings. Over the next decade, NYC will continue to erect multiple towers, many of which will symbolize the growth of America's largest city. Subscribe for more videos!


  1. who else hates the new design of 2 WTC i liked the old design much much more besides a staircase
  2. empty city, soulless
  3. This is such ridiculous bull shit. Nothing more than a "my cock is bigger than your cock" contest. You'll got pencil dicks.
  4. Human beings are idiots, the old and new buildings look beautiful. Love all buildings.
  5. are these actually going to happen
  6. This is indeed amazing!
  7. this is very nice a cool skyscraper coming soon in 2020 it's awesome lots of skyscrapers
  8. 2:10 looks good.
  9. I love all of these, plus the new upside down U Central Park design. The future is cities that speak not only through the people and ideas that reside there, but also through the art of architecture.
  10. Horrific. Manhattan looking like Dubai soon
  11. Swear these are going to be terriorists paradises
  12. I'm not a big fan of Futuristic sci-fi buildings that look to good to be true... honestly I may be a kid but I love my city the way it is, and if I could make ANY change to the city, I would add WTC 8 and 9, aka bringing back the Twin Towers. At least 10 likes if you agree?
  13. lol it just a bunch of blocks no creativity whatsoever ..
  14. Looks like New York is trying to catch up with Dubai.
  15. is New York City really gunna look like this? an is this confirmed??....
  16. Just leave one world trade center on it's own!
  17. song????? plist
  18. Why only meters and not feet? You are talking about American buildings and we use feet ;)
  19. Twin towers > other scyscrapers
  20. Weeee, not only they giving a terrorists a new targets, they own skilled pilots will have something to hit too, now. :)

Additional Information:

Visibility: 136169

Duration: 3m 28s

Rating: 845