Future of Mobile & Apps: Futurist Keynote Speaker Gerd Leonhard in Moscow (ENGLISH)

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

This video is without the Russian overdub (see http://youtu.be/LdIl1r3PeF0) ie solely in English, featuring Futurist and Keynote Speaker Gerd Leonhard at the NextGreatApp event in Moscow, May 24, 2012; presented by Sberbank see http://digitaloctober.com/event/next_great_app for more details. Topics include the future of apps, commerce, mobile and social. The PDF with the slides can be downloaded here: http://db.tt/a4acS8D5 please enjoy and share:) NEW: you can now download most of my videos by simply subscribing to this iTunes video feed (via Blip.tv) http://gerd.fm/itunesfeed *** audio-only versions are now available here: http://gerd.fm/gerdaudiofeed or on the web at http://www.futuretalks.com


  1. Thank you.
  2. go to gerdcloud dot.com and search under 'presentations'
  3. Where can I download the Paper?
  4. Btw, I think FB's IPO botched because investors don't trust Mark Zuckerberg to focus enough on ROI in the foreseeable future... just my 2 cents
  5. I wonder if the audience got what Gerd was saying xP Informative presentation as always ^^

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3950

Duration: 30m 45s

Rating: 23