Futuristic Warships

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

What future warships might look like, some designs that are coming out in recent years. very interesting stuff. Electro magnetic Rail-Gun technology, Laser Close in Weapon Systems that will lead on to Laser Cannons eventually and so on. Fascinating look at what future might hold for future warships. If you liked my video perhaps you might like my channel too, I like to create videos about Science & Technology, Space, Astronomy, Gameplay Videos, Military Technology, Environmental Architecture, Green and Eco News including latest in wind, solar and other renewable sources of energy. Please Subscribe if you like my videos, or press like. Please comment and if you have any question please ask, if I know the answer I'll try to Answer. You can also follow me on other sites. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2735898&ty=h&alert=2 you can help me with a monthly donations here. Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76... Twitter: https://twitter.com/mic_orion Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/11216989747... Facebook: https://en-gb.facebook.com/mic.orion Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/micoforion https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCylT... - you can subscribe to my channel here or by just pressing subscribe button underneath the video.


  1. We already have the USS Freedom & USS Independence.
  2. wondering through how many Russian replicate our magnetic gun as here shown? http://mytechon.com/investing-in-new-military-technology-a-magnetic-cannons/
  3. Go forward, Nato! Long live freedom! Down with Putin! Best wishes from Germany!
  4. 불교만세화이팅사법고시존치시켜라
  5. So viele high Tech Waffen und kein Feind außer euch selbst! Ihr braucht einen äußeren Feind der euch Alle angreift und euch einen würde. Hmmhmmmhhhmm! Es gibt im in diesem Universum nicht Menschliche Feinde die ebenfalls vorzügliche Waffen haben. Aber die könnten euch vom Orbit aus in Schutt und Asche verwandeln. Ohne eine starke Sternenflotte seid ihr verloren. Ich für meinen Teil gehe davon aus das dieses Sternensystem sich ändern wird. Neue Planeten werden hinzukommen. Dr.T.Michel habe ich 29 gezeigt aber ich habe mehr gefunden und jetzt bin ich bei 36. Alles liegt in meinem Ermessen wie ich Entscheiden werde. So richtig Abschlußmäßig habe ich noch nicht entschieden. Wißt ihr ich denke mir wenn ihr so lange durchhalten solltet, dann werde ich solche Weltraumschiffe wie bei SGA Daedalus bersorgen können. Fertig gebaut. Voll ausgerüstet. Ca. 360 Daedalus Schiffe kann ich besorgen mit den Plänen Konstruktionsplänen dazu. Diese Schiffe werden in der Lage sein innerhalb der Galaxis zu fahren.
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  7. If Russia doesn't hve a major ship build/add, they r only a regional power going forward & a constant pain n the ass. If Finland ever goes all n & joins Nato Russia's days of threating a ground attack r done. they would b leaving the home land exposed, & risking getting flanked. China can only make up for so much n #s & they r a regional power trying to stretch their legs. France flipping or Another War breaking the usa's back b4 Nato can get off their knees is a real poss.
  8. Making ships faster means safer(ever mph above 30 is huge)knots I can't think that way) & is like hving more of them. Less drag means faster & cheaper to operate(I love that, but not at the expense of steal for tin foil). Stealth is here NOW & seems ok as a design pnt but not the main pnt(still a ship 1st). Making them all seas/weather stable seem doable NOW & is at least as important as stealth if u can afford it(subs don't give a damn what the UV index is). More deck space is high pnt, followed by ease of modification/updates. I think ships hve gotten to light & can't take even a soft punch any more(not staffed for even light damage). Seems like we should b able to make real strides n composite armor after all we hve learned. More electric power & hybrid drives r real things that must b n r ships. What happened to hydro foils & hover crafts.  The cruiser w/ loading door & 1/2 a carrier deck is interesting at 0.37 mark. Russia is going smaller while we r going lighter, & more flexible. Russia right NOW is on par w/ India (or 5yrs max lead) w/more front line air force & helos(huge ground armored force) + sub force & nukes, nukes & more nukes. But like usa, Russia's day & equipment is aging out fast.. Lurssen at 1:48 mark is a nice ship. The French & Italians working together, must b shaping their concepts(sporty).
  9. great watch pictures & spec con-cepts. How many F-22 will we hve.  The rail gun is real & definitely a game changer. Meaning we will only hve a handful at great cost. The lasers r not as close, & when we get it so do the foes(tech hand off). Missiles will hve 2 get cheaper & tougher, but most of all faster. Smaller guns raining shells will get thru any laser. 4- 76mm pumping out 120 shells per min will get thru any def. Instead of only needing 2 missile launchers for close n, 4 or 5 may b needed. A laser is not going to stop torpedoes, & these can b fired from old school surface ships.  The mixing n of drones will help make less ships more capable but only n that area. Mixing n Marine & vertical take off planes & pusher helos, makes more $ & cents then any thing for at least 10 yrs.  Any thing that allows the flexibility force multiplier of more ships w/less ppl is what they r really hot for.  That is fine but we hve been sold this same lie a while NOW & it never delivers & it is still "peace time". The short coming of wrong thinking when it comes to a Navy(long term outlay & build time) cost dearly. Nukes will b the weapon of choice against star wars tech. All I need, is to get close w/my drone or missile & your 1 of 5 gems is blown.
  10. I have a question. When i visited HMNB Devonport, i took a photo of a frigate but i dont know its name. Is there any other way to identify it ?
  11. I am pretty curious to see how the successor of 'De Zeven Provinciën' class frigrates will look, or even the 2017 upgrade for 'De Zeven Provinciën'
  12. I really like the design for the T2050 dreadnought. it looks sick. The Zumwalt destroyer was a failure in my opinion.

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Duration: 3m 17s

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