Gardasil is Dangerous!

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~~ REPOST ~~ Is the vaccine for HPV safe? Is it even necessary? Why the push to vaccinate all young girls? How far will pharmaceutical companies go to make a profit? Is there an alternative motive? What is it? More information: Humanen Papillom-Virus (HPV). Vancouver's chief medical officer wants to begin 'mass use.' Nova Scotia to vaccinate girls against HPV Updated Wed. Jun. 20 2007 9:16 PM ET Experts raise worries about HPV vaccine Updated Wed. Aug. 1 2007 6:44 PM ET ======= Example of Blatant Censorship ======= HPV Vaccine Deemed Safe and Effective, Despite Reports of Adverse Events Zosia Chustecka Editor's note: This article replaces "HPV Vaccine Adverse Events Worrisome Says Key Investigator," which was posted on July 26, 2008, and was removed after editorial review. Medscape medical news recently posted an article initially entitled HPV Vaccine Adverse Events Worrisome Says Key Investigator that was replaced after editorial review by a long and drawn out piece entitled HPV Vaccine Deemed Safe and Effective, Despite Reports of Adverse Events Furthermore, although I could not access the initial article, the replacement piece plays down the risks, emphasizes the safety of the vaccine, and tends to question the critics more than the supporters. ============================================= The country has withdrawn tens of thousands of doses of Gardasil after the hospitalization of two teenage girls, reinforcing critics doubts about the safety of the vaccine. (CBS) There are new concerns about Gardasil, the vaccine that prevents a virus that caused cervical cancer. It's approved for girls as young as nine. And five million have received it since it was approved two years ago. The FDA and its maker insist it's safe. But CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson has exclusive information on some very serious side effects. More tags: TSX financial collapse rescue plan bailout congress USA Canada International system recession love federal reserve zeitgeist addendum the venus project futurism emancipation sustainable development hot earthship eco ecological resource economy revolution evolution peace justice diet funny scary nice pretty anime governor general NDP Liberal Conservative Harper Martial law organic food home schooling headlines oprah tom cruise britney spears miley cyrus the simpsons funny kitten cats israel gaza genocide American idol south park Comedy Evolution Dance UFO Alien UFO NASA ufos disclosure life string theory illuminati ovni physics reality real world spheres 2012 alien fleets space sacred geometry internet the golden mean fibunocci sequence multiverse awakening love forgiveness unity collectivity science/spirituality ET exopolitics truth mayan sumeria egypt spirit wall street 4chan hacking america's next top model Ron Paul God WW3 2008 end war georgia mercenaries combat fight attacked nuclear tanks planes latest breaking development Bush Putin conference under fire America president FBI kinky prisoner NATO EU New World Order Death of legend Christ Lord Dead Soldiers Iraq Iran China Global Universe magic power storm bluebeam Agenda 21 2009 recession depression aliens ufo war military middle east aryan turan Jezus Mozes Mohammed George bush Ron paul Clinton Reptilian Shape shifter Hollywood Neo nazi Hitler Obama Clinton Ron paul media fraud election fraud satanism 911 inside job Kite clouds basketball Sun Cloud game young old news NWO EDF JFK War 911 William Cooper Rebel child rearing bird watching cute babies funny kids humour do it yourself gardening hiking outdoors exercise make up beau nelson beauty make-up makeup smokey eye model eyeshadow gothic carbon indian ink MAC STD HPV wart genital cancer gardasil condom sexually sexual safe disease oral warts penis vagina virus understanding genital warts vaccines vaccinations HPV Human Papilloma Virus cervical cancer cervix sex contraception sti std sexually transmitted disease infection funny ed education advice blooper improv video blog testimonial vph sexually transmitted infection


  1. We've just had a death in New Zealand which is "maybe" linked to this vacine and I remember reading last year about the issues connected with it. I don't see waht teh big debate is. If it causes harm, DON'T PUT IT IN PEOPLE. We need to put our foot down on this one, no more shugging it off. I'm so tired of our medical system screwing people, right down to the Sodium Floride in the water. I'm so sick of hearing abou it, we need to DO something about it. Now, not later. -Liam
  2. The insert for the vaccine itself states it does not protect you from Cancer!!
  3. In Sweden they try to sell this shit to young girls too. I told my daughter about the effects the shot may have and showed her the video - she now says "NO! Why take a possible dangerous shot/vaccin, if I don´t have sex, I´m too young for that shit anyway..." she shook her head and looked at me and said "Thanx mum!" :) Personally I thank all the people who work against poisoning the people. Thank you all, warm hugs from me and my daughter.
  4. Neurological disorders sound too familiar nowadays. Could it be the combination of the vaccine with mercury laden high fructose corn syrup that contains pesticides made by Monsanto the nerve gas makers? Stop GMO foods first then you take out that variable. They have not been labeled for the past 20 years so Monsanto/ FDA can make a profit. Contact your representative to vote yes on the new bill H.R. 6636 which will require GMO food labeling on products so you will then have a choice. hawaiiseed.
  5. That certinly depends on what you mean by "value".
  6. We just don't all live in the same reality regarding medicine. Easily, most of the population still lives in a world in which, "They couldn't show it if it weren't true". Basically a world where the doctors are out of old Norman Rockwell paintings depicting them as that "kindly, old grandpa" with his stethoscope held to the boy's chest. How far from reality is that? It couldn't be farther! It's been a very long time since the FDA became the lap dog for "Big Pharma" seeing to all of its needs.
  7. The point being that they DO know.
  8. They quashed and censored this one FAST!
  9. unbelievable! Pushing what they don't even know for sure will do to you. Prayers are with the family.

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Visibility: 2042

Duration: 2m 15s

Rating: 28