Global Citizen: The Nation State in the Age of Globalization - Stone dead or rejuvenated?

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A renewed nation state, based on a more inclusive conception of who "we" are, may be the possible answer to challenges presented by globalization processes. Globalization processes challenge the nation state as we know it. Critics find it either too distant or to small to cope with the challenges of our time. The local and the global levels are offered as alternatives. However, the idea of global governance does not answer seriously the question of a democratic base for the polity. Speaker: Knut Kjelstadli. Professor at Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History at the University of Oslo.


  1. this was in 2012. now since look at the rapefugees. the terrible EU. Merkel and all leaders who are members of the lodges and mystery schools.
  2. what he doesn't tell you is all the ills of the world have been done intentionally to social engineer this Great Plan for one world totalitarian socialist government in which do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. these mysteries and brothers of the brotherhood of man are the problems we see in the world. not the solution. they brought about ww1 and 2, civil war in usa, the death of hundreds of millions if not billions. they are the ones who are the problem, not nation states. not homogeneity. not individuality. the problem is mystery schools of Babylon. they are the ones who have been seeking a world government ever since mans fall. they worship lucifer in a metaphorical sense. they believe man is god. thatnlucifer is the good guy. the god of the Bible is evil, cruel, vindictive unjust.

    global government is not the solution it is the problem. all the ills are being done on purpose to social engineer a World government. Hegelian dialectic. thesis-antithesis-synthesis.
  3. Please is there sclolarships at the university of oslo for student.tnks

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Visibility: 5150

Duration: 41m 55s

Rating: 27