Godzilla 1998 - Chrysler Building Destruction

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Art deco...very nice. One of my favorite scenes from the 1998 American Godzilla. Military helicopters pursuing Godzilla accidentally fire missiles at the Chrysler Building, causing the top spire portion to collapse.


  1. So 2 missiles destroy the top of the Chrysler Building. The Twin Towers last a hour before collapsing after being hit by a FREAKING PLANE and on fire.
  2. Two Sparrow missiles aren't going to destroy the Chrysler Building. They'll blow up a few rooms and shatter a bunch of windows. That's about it.
  3. So we have a Godzilla movie where Godzilla is the only monster, the Chrysler Building gets knocked over and Godzilla didn't do it. I think the Screenwriter needs to go back to film school. I would have just made this movie 2 hours of Godzilla destroying things to the music of Cannibal Corpse.
  4. uhoh
  5. Negative impact?...That's the goddamn Chrysler building
  6. It's scary to think only 3 years later New York went through a lot worse than in this movie...
  7. Also, that chrysler building getting destroyed is truly an official cliche to a disaster movie :)
  8. This movie sucks, and this is one of the reasons. The military sucks at aiming. and Godzilla, well he looks nothing like Godzilla at all, he looks more like a giant iguana. Godzilla 2014 Is much better than this excuse of a Godzilla movie!
  9. Godzilla hardly did any damage to the city in this movie. It was mostly just the ridiculous incompetence displayed by the Military in the film that caused most of the damage to the city. Godzilla wasn't even that much of a threat really. If this Godzilla faced the JSDF from any of the Toho Godzilla films, it would have died within minutes of the first engagement. 
  10. I would like to see the part where Godzilla is on the Chrysler building.
  11. "The goddamn Chrysler Building" - seven years before "the goddamn Batman" became a meme XD
  12. It's an important movie rule: you ALWAYS have to blow up the Chrysler building.
  13. theevilpiggybang you're stupid empire state building looks totally different
  14. at least the building structure is still standing
  15. :)
  16. Oh yes, I forgot they just shoot anything that moves unless someone tells them not to.
  17. They ask questions...? Since when..?
  18. That's the American army for you. Shoot first ask questions later rather than planning and making it count.
  19. I would hate to be that guy
  20. i despise u movie

Additional Information:

Visibility: 104882

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 130