Gojjam Cultural Center

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Gojjam is home to historical, cultural, and natural wonders. There comes time where these wonders need to be studied, recognized, and promoted to visitors and the public at large. Gojjam Cultural Center is the brainchild of such aspirations and currently it is under development. Wossen Architects, arguably one of the most futurist architects of Ethiopia, designed the architecture of the building complex which will be constructed at the heart of Debre Markos. The overall cost of the project is currently estimated at ETB 150,000,000 (150 million Ethiopian Birr), which is to be collected from you, the public and donors.


  1. verynicemusic
  2. God knows the status of this project... this vidio was produced in 2010. In 2013 there is yet a single hospital, school or university to be bulit, however there is a big fuss on stadum in Baher Dar!
  3. What is the status of the center now ??
  4. well stand for this promotion should be done simultanously

Additional Information:

Visibility: 7543

Duration: 4m 1s

Rating: 7