GOTO 2014 • A Retake on the Agile Manifesto • Humble, Thomas, Badiceanu, Fowler & Kirk

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

This presentation was recorded at GOTO Aarhus 2014 Martin Fowler - Author, speaker, consultant and general loud-mouth on software development Katherine Kirk - Independent Consultant & Researcher Jez Humble - Author of "Continuous Delivery", Principal Consultant, ThoughtWorks Pragmatic Dave Thomas - Pragmatic Programmer turned Publisher Tatiana Badiceanu - IT Consultant at the LEGO Group ABSTRACT The Agile Manifesto was the spark that brought about a shift in how software was being developed and as a result a wave of new Agile Methodologies such as SCRUM, XP, and Continuous Delivery have been introduced as “better ways of developing software”. Many development organizations have adopted these agile methodologies to improve their communication, increase customer involvement, and create happier and more efficient software teams. Fast forward to today, 13 years later, a discussion has emerged on what has happened since the Agile Manifesto was first published. Prag Dave Thomas, one of the original 17 authors, has written a blog post which has been heavily discussed online and on twitter titled "Agile is Dead (Long Live Agility) where he points out that the term "Agile" has become a marketing buzzword for companies and consultants to use as a way to commercialize the ideas behind Agile Software Development. He also goes on to suggest that developers should program with “agility” rather then hoping solutions that are simply "coined" as "Agile" will be able to solve some of the difficult problems that they encounter when developing software. At GOTO, we think it is time to take a closer look at what has happened in the last 13 years since the Agile Manifesto was published and evaluate where the development community is going in the future.


  1. I love the Agile way of planning the Camino de Santiago. Well done, Tatiana. :)
  4. I love the fact the YouTube ads are all selling the exact-style "Monetisation Training Courses" parodied by Dave Thomas
  5. Yeah, Harlan Mills was a nutter.
  6. More breathing into the microphone.....
  7. This was AWESOME !!
  8. Agile is an adverb? (21:03) I thought it was an adjective. Sorry, I am a developer. :)
  9. Ah.. this what a modern IT bureaucracy look like.
  10. It was really a pleasure listening to this panel. Thanks!

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Visibility: 12026

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 74