Grain Elevators - Disappearing Prairie Sentinels

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

The history and architecture of grain elevators and their evolving roles as prairie icons. Also checkout the story of Esterhazy's restored 1906 flour mill.


  1. I live in a  rural  area. When I'm traveling  to  a  town I've  never  been, I  watch  in the  distance  for the  town's  elevator. Or  water  tower.  You  can't  get  lost in my area  if  you  carry  a  map and   check the name on the  elevator  and  you  can figure  out  where  you  are.   Those  elevators  were  made  to  last. as  was all  construction way back when....
  2. Excellent video!
    Hopefully, many of the elevators can be preserved.
  3. Thanks Jason. It's always nice to hear from viewers who enjoy our work!
  4. Excellent video, thank-you so much more highlighting an important part of our past - and present.
  5. As a railroad enthusiast, I've become fascinated by feed mill and grain elevator operations of late, particularly with the Canadian elevators. Sad to see them being replaced by larger grain handling structures since the smaller elevators seemed to have more interesting operations from a rail perspective. Very sorry to hear about the Fleming fire. I guess Canada has more than it's fair share of vandals just like down here in the states.
  6. This was a really good vid, thanks for posting it! Living in Western Kansas I have seen our wood elevators all but vanish over the last 30 years. Of course we had some really small 8-12,000 bushel horse era elevators standing empty in the early 80s yet but sadly they are all gone. If I only would have had the money then I would have bought one to preserve myself.
  7. im so sorry about the fleming elevator
  8. The burning of the Fleming elevator was a real tragedy. We were lucky to capture it on film before the fire but that's not a replacement for the real thing. Thanks for watching.
  9. The Fleming elevator was a victim of arson a few years ago that summer it was going to open for tourists

Additional Information:

Visibility: 16299

Duration: 28m 11s

Rating: 78