GREEN FLOAT - a Floating City in the Sky : DigInfo

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

DigInfo TV - 29/9/2010 Shimizu Corporation GREEN FLOAT


  1. 6 years later and nothing
  2. Might be a nice place to take a vacation once I'm in my 30's
  3. That is a floating city in the sea, not sky!
  4. how would something like this handle hurricane force wind and 18 meter waves?
  5. when this project available to realize? when constructors will begin to start to build this Wonderful project?
  6. I hope one day Japanese will multiply like Chinese !
  7. Interesting, this reminds me of Jacque Fresco's circular city designs.
  8. this is mad!!
  9. this is cool but Japan is no where near the equator so how are they allowed to build their?
  10. i just can wait..
  11. YES.........
  12. it is not clear for me what will be the action in the event that this city under what circumstances is still faced with the land. Will this building have the engines to correct its trajectory of drift?
  13. Can anyone imaging the tourist potential - Yippeeee !!!!
  14. MegaProjects - best thing we could ever do for the population, the planet, the economy and keep the damn lazy tv watching slobs busy - drive some passion up their proverbials !
  15. Its only a matter of time before floating territories like this gonna appear in real. When people getting more and more pissed at corrupt systems & politicians aswell as billionaires and millionears getting more and more filthy rich and not to mention the banking systems and I can go on and on...when people really want to be free this is the future solution.I can really imagine many new countries with new ideologies and systems. Than we can talk about the new world order!
  16. this is columbia from bioshock:infinite!
  17. Zeitgeist - the way forward :D Glad to see it happening!
  18. Fuck you global warming.
  19. Finally getting around to watching this... amazing comes to mind. So does brilliant. It's a well thought out concept (unlike what someone said 2 years ago), I have confidence that they could make this a reality.
  20. AMAZING !!!

Additional Information:

Visibility: 151719

Duration: 3m 47s

Rating: 660