Gustav Klimt, Beethoven Frieze

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Gustav Klimt, Beethoven Frieze, Vienna Secession, 1902 A conversation with Khan Academy's Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris In the News: The heirs of the Austrian Jewish collector who owned this work before World War II recently lost their case to recover it. Learn more: March 7, 2015 New York Times article . Created by Beth Harris and Steven Zucker.


  1. i get chills...thinking about beethoven the secessionists and what they represented at the turn of the century. great noble men..
  2. 4:54 the second figure who is arrayed in gold represents sloth, not wantonness.
  3. 音乐和艺术的结合 喜欢~
  4. 不思議な感じですね。
  5. nice little informative qualitiy video but do we have to connect everything to Hitler?
  6. Great little documentary and very insightful.
  7. I learned a lot and also fascinated .
  8. Amazingly beautiful!
  9. Erich Lederer.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 42207

Duration: 7m 28s

Rating: 165