Hamburg: Green City of the Future?

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Find more Earth Focus content at All eyes are on Germany as the country prepares to abandon nuclear power by 2020. Hamburg, an industrial port on Germany's northern shore, may seem like an unlikely candidate to be voted Europe's Green City of 2011. But this urban hub won accolades for its innovation in green planing, transportation, and construction. Is it a model city of the future? Correspondent Constantino de Miguel reports.


  1. whats the problem with nuclear?
  2. Green is ok but has it to be so ugly?
  3. Carbon Dioxide is one of two of THE essential elements for ALL life on earth. And these "green" idiots want to eliminate it!

    Holy crap, left wingers and these "green" religious fanatics are the enemies of all of mankind!

    There is no such thing as global warming. It's a SCAM and everyone involved belongs in prison for crimes against humanity.
  4. A green city with no trees or grass......all i see is lots of concrete.
  5. @Gabriel Fernandez : please go beyond this video and search for pollution created by mineral energies (especially coal) in Germany replacing nuclear one. Suppressing atom doesn't imply an immediate switch to green energies.
  6. Congratulations, Germany! You're setting a great example for the world.
  7. A Alemanha é uma maravilha! O alemães possuem tudo isso porque são conscientes, ordeiros, e muito esforçados. Pena que tudo isso está ameaçado pela invasão dos imigrantes islâmicos e sua cultura totalmente dissonante e muitas vezes extremista.
  8. All New Yorkers care about is material wealth! At least they care about each other.
  9. How is the hydrogen produced? That usually is the snag in the hydrogen power model.
  10. Green this and that, whats the point if countries like China and India dont give a damn. Why does the EU always tries to "save the Earth" when most of the rest of the world doesnt give a damn?!
  11. 1:47 That kid just flipped you! :D
  12. nuclear is the future you stupid krauts, germany is finished
  13. not with all those shitskins it's not
  14. 4 million inhabitants? hamburg has rarely 2...
  15. How about a transportation system that is safe and use less energy and environment friendly? I want to make a change to the world. Please check this out and give support.
  16. shitty english homework video
  17. Where is the Green???? Trees in that city is minimum.... energy eficiant but not green
  18. I love this city and walking around the many cool neighborhoods in the city. You can check out a recent post I did on this attraction and some of my favorite discoveries and neighborhoods in Hamburg here
  19. Nuclear energy is green. Is cheaper, more efficient, and provides more energy than solar or wind. The taxes needed to support solar/wind energy harms the lower classes the most, since they don't have as much money. Yet its the middle class that selfishly trumpets solar/wind energy, mindless of the woes of the lower class.

    Nuclear energy is the clear future, solar/wind just isn't sustainable.
  20. excelent i like it !!

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Duration: 11m 15s

Rating: 642