"Hawkes Bay Express", Napier, Nth Island, New Zealand

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

A very unique vehicle in an equally unique city, Napier, Hawkes Bay, on the eastern side of the Nth Island, New Zealand. This "one-of-a-kind" road-train vehicle is reminiscent of the "Orient Express", with it's tasteful design and fascinating art deco fittings and flush interior. Operated by a family company consisting of Will, Krysia, and Will's dad Kit. The "Hawkes Bay Express" lives in Napier, a city that was tragically levelled by a terrifying earthquake in the mid-1930's, then rebuilt to it's former glory by two men specially appointed to restore the city. They quickly decided to aspire to even greater heights with their building designs than when the city was in it's previous heyday. The two visionaries looked to the emerging Art Deco Architecture of the time, and decided to employ it in the reconstruction of their beloved city. In comparison to other cities that have suffered similar fates, and in stark contrast, Napier, now known as the ART DECO CITY, was totally rebuilt in just over two and a half years. Take a ride on the "Hawkes Bay Express" in beautiful Napier, and check out the unique architecture and soul of the city that has become world famous for it's beauty. Truly, one of my favourite cities in New Zealand. The background instrumental music track used in this video ("Moon Dance") has been specifically purchased for use in performances or videos such as this, and as such, no copyright is infringed.


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Additional Information:

Visibility: 113

Duration: 10m 47s

Rating: 0