Helsinki, Finland: Vibrant Baltic City

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

More info about travel to Finland: Helsinki is an architectural delight for its Neoclassical and Art Nouveau buildings and churches. At, you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.


  1. 헬싱키
  2. I can't travel so I watch these videos of places I'd like to go to.
  3. Why do americans always talk about Russia in connection with Finland, since due to Finland's tough army Finland was never under Communistic rule as other North Eastern European countries were. Finland has no more to do with Russia than USA has. Or because part of USA was under Russia two hundred years ago, should that mean that we should babble about Russians influence on USA ? lol.   Third why do they play russian music on the bg ? Ever since the 80s Finland has been on the same level in wealth per capita than USA has. Last, I've been to Helsinki many times, and this video is lame.
  4. Not a Baltic country people Nordic. NO-R-DIC and not Scandinavian either those are Norway, Sweden, Denmark.
  5. the images on this video are literally from a single street. most of the city looks pretty different.
  6. Looks nice,but it's not multicultural i see only white folks
  7. Hey, great video, just one thing, the correct expression is cruise ferry, like the ones on the video :)
  8. this looks great I would love to travel to Finland looks very nice good And thanks Rick Steves for the video
  9. its NOT Scandinavian either... call it Nordic.
  10. *Vibrant Scandiavian City* would be better ;)
  11. It's not Baltic
  12. But nice vid! (other than the title)
  13. Finland is NOT a Baltic country. Only Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia are.
  14. See you New years eve!
  15. Why so?
  17. Scandinavia, in English, is used to describe not only the Scandinavian peninsula, but the Nordic countries in general. In that definition Finland is seen to be a part of Scandinavia.
  18. Finland is not in Scandinavia ;)
  19. Helsinki, Finland in a few months yeaaaaa!
  20. I live in helsinki

Additional Information:

Visibility: 81512

Duration: 3m 1s

Rating: 241