High Rise in the capital – BBC London

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

400 new high rise buildings are in the pipeline for the capital – but many believe that councils only allow such developments because they bring them massive revenue for greenlighting the planning consent. Mark Jordan reports. From BBC Inside Out London: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08cbrcf


  1. I love the new skyscrapers but I think the more flats should also be built
  2. Sad that London sells it's unique identity for yet another boring Skyline, that could be anywhere in the world.
  3. "Im lucky enough to have a House, I don't want common filth spoiling my view" just about sums it up.
  4. love it, we need more high rise buildings though, the economy would benifit from all the construction jobs created
  5. London needs 400+ meters skyscrapers.
  6. at last London is starting to look like a city
  7. 50million for pen house .thats just stupid

Additional Information:

Visibility: 3329

Duration: 8m 44s

Rating: 46