HOLLAND-ITALY. 10 Works of Architecture

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

The exhibit HOLLAND-ITALY (presented at MAXXI in Rome on May 17, 2007) is promoted by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Rome, realized in cooperation with DARC and MAXXI, together with NAi, the Netherlands Architecture Fund and ING, and curated by Gabriele Mastrigli. It is dedicated to a comparison between Dutch and Italian architectural culture. Ten architecture projects are to face one another on a newly devised platform for discussion and exchange. The Dutch team lines up Atelier Kempe Thill, Crimson, NL Architects, Onix and Powerhouse Company; the Italian team presents baukuh, Dogma, gruppo A12, IaN+ and Beniamino Servino. The event is organized by iMage. This video has been made by Valeria Fabris for iMage.


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 2216

    Duration: 4m 16s

    Rating: 3