Horror on the Orient Express, Recording #1

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

The first recording from Maurice Chesterfield, intrepid explorer who traveled aboard the Orient Express in 1923. This is the first part of an Audio Journal chronically the adventures of our Call of Cthulhu group as it plays through the Horror on the Orient Express adventure. The images and music in this video are used under the terms of Fair Use


  1. love it, please add more recording
  2. Dear Sir, it was with great trepidation that listened to your first electro-vox cylinder and my fears were well founded. I beg of you, flee now, for only unholy madness awaits you! Return to the safe respite of home and hearth, leave these dread mysteries to the dark shadows from whence they came. Should you fail to heed this plea, I will endeavour to follow your journey and pray for your good health and sound faculties.
  3. What a great way to start the campaign. I love your Paizo stuff, but this is truly inspirational.
  4. I might indeed try to get my fellow investigators to make the occasional guest appearance... (you read that in my accent.. don't deny it!)
  5. I do believe, we require more of these FINE audio recordings.

    Might I suggest having different members of your so-called 'company' to record their respective findings. Such intelligence would be vital, you see.
  6. THANK YOU for sharing this! I got to play CoC with James at PaizoCon, and was desperately hoping for a window into this campaign.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 322

Duration: 14m 20s

Rating: 11