How the blockchain is changing money and business | Don Tapscott

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

What is the blockchain? If you don't know, you should; if you do, chances are you still need some clarification on how it actually works. Don Tapscott is here to help, demystifying this world-changing, trust-building technology which, he says, represents nothing less than the second generation of the internet and holds the potential to transform money, business, government and society. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at Follow TED news on Twitter: Like TED on Facebook: Subscribe to our channel:


  1. Great talk!
  2. Great talk, but I have to disagree with a comment that the speaker made. That xenophobia, protectionism, hatred etc. are represented by things such as Brexit. This is simply not the case. One need only look at history, in particular, the history of central banking, to see why the world is where it is today and why things like blockchain, and its first "app" if you will, currency, is in front of us today. In a way, blockchain's app of currency (things like Dash and Bitcoin), are the financial version of what could be regarded as the political revolution that is Brexit. Central banking is literally a cancer that is destroying people's wealth around the world. Look at the ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) and even NIRP (negative interest rate policy) that has been happening in these years after the GFC. Zero and negative interest rates for fiat currencies around the world are great for big business that need to borrow money for investments and projects, but those same policies encourage rampant consumerism and destroy purchasing power of all the same currencies for the common people of those countries. We are seeing the separation of wealth only increasing in alarming amounts around the world. When this happens, you get the classic problem of societies throughout history: the war of the classes, the rich versus the poor.

    As often happens, the rich are the minority that desparately tries to maintain its control of the majority (the poor). In these situations, you get concepts like collectivism and globalism. You start to see fascistic entities, like the EU (unelected bureaucrats that demand tribute and make laws for the member countries) emerge. Increasingly, in the interest of preservation of power, they set to work destroying the rights and power of self determination of all the member states they lord over. In the case of Brexit, the EU was ruling the UK and not giving the UK any say regarding the laws and policies that it had to follow, in order to maintain its membership in the EU. Big issues, like regulation and immigration, were causing massive discord in the UK, and they were powerless to stop it, they had given so much control of their country to the EU, the referendum declared the people's need for freedom from this oppression.

    Ultimately, it can be seen that it is in the best interest of the EU to destroy the sovereignty of member nations.. because it makes them more controllable. Look at what happened to Greece as a consequence of being squeezed into the EU. Their entire country is in a state of default and they are forced to follow austerity guidelines, roll over their unpayable debt, and continue to pay interest payments indefinitely. They are in a debt prison to the EU and the EU could gives not a damn about their suffering.

    The way I see it, block chain and cryptocurrency are the response to the cancer that is central banking and collectivism/globalism. It is the battle against the collapsing fiat ponzi scheme, a scheme that can only survive by tightening is iron grip on the people, doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on its failed policies and struggling, as fast as it can, to imprison people worldwide in more and more debt prisons until we are all under the sway of one world government and a one-world fiat currency.

    Brexit and blockchain are responses on political and financial levels, respectively.
  3. Can we use blockchain for public polling and voting?
  4. excellent speaker. My organization is planning to server Americas one of the biggest financial firm with this Blockchain technology. I was surfing on the web and collecting information about it. This is the best introduction i could find. Thanks
  5. Black Mirror: Nosedive
  6. i need help with my block chain account i have a only account I have all of my verifications I have over $800 the I am still unable to access please help me someone 757 395-0437 my name is Lorenzo
  7. Why should I care about wealth inequality when extreme poverty is down from 80% in the 1800s to teens in the present? Poverty is the default state so stop complaining when people escape poverty.
  8. Quantum Computing will break all of this.
  9. Don, I have followed you for over 27 or so years! I was at Brain Share in 1993 I think was the year and saw you present. I was dumbfounded. Your presentation skills amazed me. I went into technical instruction shortly after and have used several of your analogies throughout my career. I wanted to take the time to let you know what a profound impact you have made on my life and career. I am now an international trainer and speaker at a number of security conferences throughout the world and I owe a lot of my success to you. Thank you again. Drop me a note through youtube or look me up on linked in I would love to say hi to you in person!
  10. Wow, a magic bullet. I've been looking for one of those.
  11. One of the best presentation on TEDX. consise n crisp... Waiting for more on use of Blockchain technology via TEDX ...
  12. Great motivational idea and speech. Thanks to you, Donald.
  13. I think he is Satoshi Nakamoto.

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  15. Modern banking is cumbersome and disturbingly ridiculous in terms of digital potential. At the moment we're employing an old fashioned mindset in this digital/information age. This is a great talk!
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Additional Information:

Visibility: 260801

Duration: 18m 50s

Rating: 5601