How the Tesla Model S is Made | Tesla Motors Part 1 (WIRED)

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

If founder Elon Musk is right, Tesla Motors just might reinvent the American auto industry—with specialized robots building slick electric cars in a factory straight from the future. That's where the battery-powered Model S is born. Subscribe to the all new Wired channel here: Visit the Wired channel for more video: How the Tesla Model S is Made – Behind The Scenes – The Window - Wired Connect with Wired Online: Visit Follow Wired on Facebook: Follow Wired on Google+: Follow Wired on Twitter: Follow Wired on Instagram: Follow Wired on Tumblr: Still haven’t subscribed to WIRED on YouTube? ►► CONNECT WITH WIRED Web: Twitter: Facebook: Pinterest: Google+: Instagram: Tumblr: Want even more? Subscribe to The Scene: How the Tesla Model S is Made | Tesla Motors Part 1 (WIRED)


  1. Best part is 90% of that technology is made by Volkswagen.
  2. That Robot requires a programmer to create it's task.
    That Robot requires a Maintenance person.
    That Robot does a better job than any human.

    That Robot is working for free, like the cheapest paid immigrant that Tesla can afford.
    That Robot may as well be a Slave from Cybertron.
    That Robot replaced a human today.
    That Robot is working against the Human Economic System.

    That Robot is taking a job from someone you will never meet
    That Robot is taking your Neighbours Job
    That Robot is taking your Job.

    That Robot will never spend a salary on shoes , food or what ever it is you sell
    That Robot will never buy anything from your company or what your business sells.
    That Robot will never buy anything from YOU.

    That Robot will never earn an income.
    That Robot stopped a person from earning money to live.
    That Robot Stopped a person from earning a wage to buy something.

    That Robot will never need shoes to walk to work.
    That Robot will never need a hat or sunscreen, socks or a hamburger.
    That Robot will never take its salary to a nightclub and buy a Beer.
    That Robot will not get married have a family or buy a House or a Car.

    That Robot will never need a Bricklayer, Plumber, Lawyer, School Teacher, Policeman, Fireman, Dance Lessons, Gardner or a Baker.

    A Human needs this Job, YOU NEED THIS JOB , WE ALL NEED THIS JOB.
  3. it's not automated enough. too much humans. are there updates yet? is it more automated after 4 years?
  4. Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave! With a box of scraps!
  5. 2:21 What is the bent copper looking part ??
  6. Robots putting the cars together and robots driving the car. Way to go Tesla.
  7. soon nobody will afford the cars because everyone will be out of work.  On the plus side, cars will be very inexpensive.
  8. Yeah but can it make me a sandwich?
  9. 1:30 I love watching robots working.
  10. Look at all of those robots. That's where a lot of America's jobs have gone--automation. Not Mexico or China.
  11. What's up..
    Can you please upload more often? I can't wait to watch your videos. They can be said entertained me.
    I mean really.
  12. Very Informational!Great Job
  13. bite
  14. This reminds me of why I had to stop subscribing to WIRED and it's liberal propaganda.
  15. Does anyone know what type of robot that is that fixes the seats and windows in place from 3:30?
  16. Too bad Model S interior is shit
  17. Para que te diviertas un rato
  18. 666
  19. cool dope crazy awesome amazing crazy awesome wowwwwwww
  20. Welcome to 21st century guys! They really make a future!Greetings from Lada Motors :))))) Our hammers and sickles can to even better job :)))

Additional Information:

Visibility: 4811993

Duration: 4m 55s

Rating: 17919