How to draw a Building in 3 Point Perspective

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

When you draw all tall building or skyscraper, you get to do with a third vanishing point. Lines get together to above as you can observe in the photography. Once you apply this in a graphical drawing or in a design, then you get a really very dynamic and futuristic effect as demonstated in this step by step and easy to follow lesson. I wish you a lot of success and fun with this tutorial.


  1. Fantastic
  2. Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me when to use the different perspectives? Not how, but when. I know how to use them I just don't know when you should use one point and when you should use two point and when you should use three point perspective. In which case scenario would you use each of them? Thanks!
  3. GREAT,HELPED A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. beautiful
  5. Great video Lineke! I hope you and Derio have a Happy Chrismas and a Happy new year :)
  6. you are a great!!! merry christmas!!!
  7. That is pretty paper! I hope you have a great Holiday if you celebrate it and if not a great weekend and Happy New Year ❤️
  8. good work in perspective you're a excellent architect;) excellent for our future project hihi
  9. And I'm comment #2......I so have to work on perspectives .......thanks again for another great video and best of the holidays to you and your husband...looking forward to all future videos as usual. 128 English videos and
  10. Wow, absolutely love it!!! As always... This is veery helpful, thanks for making it!! :D

    Yaaaaassss, I'm first in comments!!! Yaaaaaay!!!! lol

Additional Information:

Visibility: 6796

Duration: 10m 13s

Rating: 159