How To Draw A Cute Kitten Face - Tabby Cat Face Drawing Art for Kids | CC

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

How To Draw A Cute Kitten Face Art Tutorial Video - This art for kids tabby cat drawing lesson is done with pencil and marker. Learn how to draw a cat face with a simple oval shape and then draw a center line and a line across to place the nose. Kittens have larger ears and eyes than an adult cats in proportion to the size of their face. Lesson by artist Cheri Crawford.


  1. LOOOOOLLL!!!!! :) :) :) :)
  2. it's not a tabby

    why? well tabby cats have the leter M on their head
  3. I love it
  4. the the weird thing is my cat was sitting next to me while I was drawing this.
  5. love it gril
  6. Well, beautifully drawn in only one oval but you have to draw differently!
  7. I love your drawing can you show me how to draw like you
  8. you are good
  9. Fuck it it don't work don't listen to her
  10. you do good art
  11. i love cats
  12. I started to cry
  13. I'm on my dad's iphone
  14. So cute
  15. You should be an art teacher. That is really cute and good and I could not draw like that without instruction.
  16. !!!!!!😍😍
  18. as un dibujo de bill cipher
  19. so coooote

Additional Information:

Visibility: 6294147

Duration: 6m 26s

Rating: 17228