How To Draw In Perspective: Road, Railway, Train, City

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Next, see How To Draw A Room In One Point Perspective: See How to Draw a House in Two Point Perspective: There are more art resources at: To draw in two point perspective start with drawing a horizon line. This is the line between the land and the sky and it is also the eye line; the height of the viewers eye. Next add two dots on the horizon line. These are called vanishing points. Add two lines, starting from the bottom of your paper to one vanishing point, to make a road. All parallel lines, if they continued, would end up at one of these vanishing points, where they meet, always at the point and on the horizon line. All vertical lines should be straight and parallel with the side of your paper. This would be different in three point perspective. Draw the big shapes first and then add details. As the details in your drawing go towards the vanishing point, they need to be drawn smaller and closer together. I hope you share and like this art video! Subscribe to my You Tube channel for more art videos!


  1. Hats off!
  2. that is really good
  3. dude you are best
  4. 100%
  5. Thank you very much
  6. Dear,
    Circle Line Art School .......I am a Bigger Artist....and yet I can't afford an Institute or a home Teacher for improving myself.......But in This world, There are few People's Who teach and Share their idea's With us! You are one of are great......i want to give you Big Thanks for your great Work....God bless you!
    I also try to make the same sketch.....You should see it on my facebook profile...I hope you like it!
  7. cool
  8. stupendooooooooo
  9. ات
  10. م شاء الله تبارك الله 😍😍😍
  11. Nice!
  12. superrrrrr i tried it supeeeerrrrrr
  13. اجمل رسم very good
  14. amazing
  15. I love all your videos......
  16. Great videos!
  17. It is cool
  18. Tutorial extraordinario. Muy claro y fácil de entender
  19. Amazing, I'm trying to draw this for a maths project though I'm screwing up.
    Keep up the good work.
  20. but its awsome

Additional Information:

Visibility: 400425

Duration: 5m 12s

Rating: 2777