How To Stencil Concrete

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Stenciled concrete is an excellent alternative to stamped concrete. In this video, Steve VandeWater of Builder's Concrete & Supply demonstrates the process.


  1. I'm a concrete worker and this looks pretty slick. I haven't used stencils, but have done other stamped crete, etc....this lookslike something to try for sure....nice video
  2. eso está bacano
  3. coolest thing i've seen today
  4. Essas tequinica  e as ferametas apropriada o serviço  perfeito e de qualidade a qui no brasil nao se encontra essas feramentas para efetuar o serviçao  obrigado por essas informaçao presiosas
  5. This is a beautiful perfect simple video. Very informative, Thank you.
  6. Timothy evans... i will bring it there soon, but got to find ppl with mony, lol
  7. Judy white..yes you can its calld concrete overlays...
  8. Bryan komzyk..they use paint down here in jax fl.. i use overlays
  9. nice
  10. only when freshly poured, unless you want to paint over a stencil on existing concrete which is something i havent seen done before.
  11. love the texture roller would you tell what the texture called pls
  12. Watch your own video and tell us exactly what steps you didn't show made mention of them but gave no visual as how to do them !!!!!!!!
  13. I love this!!!.Could something like this be done to existing concrete or only when freshly poured?
  14. What a great idea!
  15. Excellent job!
  16. nice!!
  17. wish we had this option in Brazil!
  18. their *
  19. "special roller" = tennis court squeegee.
  20. I don't understand how anyone could want that in they're yard I would much rather have stamp concrete.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 354964

Duration: 3m 33s

Rating: 646