I'm So Dickmatized Or Thank You Facebook

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The Cast of Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind Performing "I'm So Dickmatized (Or thank you Facebook)" written by Shelton Lindsay


  1. Wow... It would be better if you got back into the closet... Ya'know for your safety.
  2. Did you find the bleach blonde black woman in line at the super market? Also, what am I supposed to take from this?
    Honestly. I'm trying to wrap my head around the bigger picture, besides the dick pictures, but then I'm thinking, wait a second? Is it just about the dic-pics? And yeah, it's just about the dic-pics.
    Here comes a slow clap for an (I guess we can call it) idea? 👏 Idk at this point. But what I do know is that 3 min + of my life can securely be filled into the, "Can Forget Immediately Folder."
    Chao, to The Uninspired.
  3. That was so charming and dirty.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 591

Duration: 3m 23s

Rating: 33