Intel- Architect of the Future.

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Cause + Effect continues its exciting partnership with Intel, developing strategy and shaping the launch campaign for Intel’s 3D XPoint; a revolutionary breakthrough in memory and storage technology. This brand film establishes the need for memory storage that processes big data sets quickly and efficiently, paving the way for Intel’s launch of a truly innovative technology. Our design team was tasked with bringing Big Data to life in a visually compelling way…We think they did an amazing job. Take a look into the future with Intel’s Architect! Data Center Architecture of the Future Intel futurist Steve Brown talks about Intel’s vision of the optimized, next-generation data center and software-defined infrastructure (SDI). SDI offers a more flexible and responsive data center architecture that enables IT to focus on imagining and managing new services and capabilities.


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 568

    Duration: 1m 44s

    Rating: 0