Interface: Between Landscape and Architecture

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction


  1. Thank you, thank you SO much. Computer design, nature and creativity combine and results this great projects. Very interesting, please keep making this videos.
  2. Fascinating! The biomimetic and biocomputational design approaches have so much potential. One could conceivably design a building or even a city as a sort of semi-synthetic organism that live in mutual symbiosis with the landscape and local ecology that would also be a part of the design. I believe its called ecoscaping. Ecoscaping integrates the disciplines of landscape architecture and spatial planning with environmental science and provides an innovative approach in creating a sustainable and nature friendly design and/or construction. I'd imagine it would also be designed with complex systems dynamics in mind. There's some really awesome stuff emerging out of all these approaches.
  3. Great video. Thanks for sharing.
  4. @rhilghi true that dude BUT! check this game is really damn addictive >>

Additional Information:

Visibility: 28417

Duration: 0m 0s

Rating: 136