Internet Yami-Ichi 5 Brussels

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction Internet-ish artworks market + Performances by Exonemo & JODI Internet Yami-Ichi (インターネットヤミ市) literally "Internet Black Market". By mixing different Japanese writing systems the word "yami" takes on the double meaning of "sick for / addicted to". Therefore, a more accurate translation might be "Internet Obsessives Market". "S*%t happens. Didn't used to. Like when some small off-handed private comment turns into a flamewar. Or worrying about not getting enough like. The Youtube videos you can't watch anymore because somebody complained. Or the apps you can't play because they were ✖rejected✖ by Apple. Once upon a time, the Internet was supposed to be a place for "liberty". Nowadays it's so uptight". – The Japanese collective invites us to perpetuate "in real life" the freedom and joyful anarchy of the early web. The Internet Yami-Ichi draws its inspiration from flea markets, these chaotic assemblages that combine hidden gems, unlikely objects, collectibles and useless trash. Turn off, log-out, and drop in In this market of a new kind, artists, creatives and makers sell internet-related / internetish objects. Books, artworks, fashion items, materialised data: physical artefacts that escape an increasingly cautious, controlled and censured online world. Through this fun, friendly and laid-back event, Internet Yami-Ichi questions the ubiquity of the digital, its (dis)illusions and future(s). After a successful edition at the Berlin Transmediale 2014, iMAL invites for the second Internet Yami-Ichi outside of Japan. The Brussels edition will take place in the wonderful Art Nouveau architecture of the Ateliers des Tanneurs, right next to their famous organic food market! Join us, come and browse face-to-face the post-digital goods of: Jodi [BE+NL], Cory Arcangel [USA], Aram Bartholl [DE], Vuk Ćosić [SI], Anonymouse, Niko Princen [NL], GLITCHAUS (Jeff Donaldson) [US], Nukeme [JP], Dorita [JP], Akihiko Taniguchi [JP], Exonemo [JP],Merce Death [JP], yang02 [JP], Shunya Hagiwara [JP], Sskhybrid [JP], Sadamu Fujioka [JP], IDPW [JP], Internet dude [JP], Yusuke Momma [JP], Tomoya Watanabe [JP], NIKO [JP], Matthew Plummer-Fernandez [UK], Gottfried Haider [AT], BrowserBased [NL], Jacob Eriksen [DK], John Wild [UK], Nicolas Probst [CH], Dennis de Bel [NL], Fabien Mousse [FR], Olivier Auber [FR], Jan Vantomme [BE], Julien Deswaef [BE], La Villa Hermosa [BE], HALO PUBLICATIONS [BE], Vincent Evrard [BE], Stéphane Noël [BE], Louise Moraldy [FR], Rosanna Kurrer [BE], Adrien Domken [BE], Luc Hanneuse [BE], Bart Vandeput [BE], Jorge Saint Aubyn [BE], Dominique Van de Vorst [BE] and many more!


    Additional Information:

    Visibility: 837

    Duration: 3m 52s

    Rating: 8