Jamais Cascio - The Future and You! Security, Privacy, AI, Geoengineering

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Jamais Cascio discusses the Participatory Panopticon, Privacy & Secrecy, the ramifications of Disconnecting from the Chorus, what it means to be a Futurist, the Arc of Human Evolution, Artificial Intelligence, the Need for Meaning, Building Agents to Listen to Us, WorldChanging.com / OpenTheFuture.com, Geoengineering, the Viridian Green and the Bright Green movement. We pollute our data-streams, to control we have over our identifying information. The motivation behind social networks is not to keep your information private. Interview was conducted at the Humanity+ conference in San Francisco late 2012. Jamais Cascio is a San Francisco Bay Area-based writer and ethical futurist specializing in design strategies and possible outcomes for future scenarios. Jamais Cascio resides in the San Francisco Bay Area Cascio received his undergraduate degree from UC Santa Cruz and later attended UC Berkeley. In the 1990s, Cascio worked for the futurist and scenario planning firm Global Business Network. In 2007 he was a lead author on the Metaverse Roadmap Overview. ===Worldchanging=== From 2003 to 2006 Cascio helped in the formation of Worldchanging. His activities covered topics related energy and climate change to global development, open source, and bio and nanotechnologies. On November 29, 2010, Worldchanging announced that due to fundraising difficulties it would shut down. It has since merged with Architecture for Humanity, though detailed plans for the site's future have not been released. ===Open the Future== In early 2006, Cascio established Open The Future as his online home, a title based on his WorldChanging essay, The Open Future. Cascio currently serves as Director of Impacts Analysis for the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology. Cascio is a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. Cascio was a speaker on the "On The Edge of Independent User-Creation In Gamespace" panel at the 2007 SXSW Interactive Festival. Cascio is a Research Fellow at the Institute for the Future where together with Jane McGonigal in 2008 he helped create and administer the large scale collaborative multiplayer game Superstruct as an advanced strategy to engage lots of other hopeful thinkers in the pursuit of possible strategies and positive outcomes of a proposed future scenario occurring in 2019.[ In 2006, Cascio presented a TED Talk at the TED conference "The Future We Will Create," in Monterey, California. In the presentation he outlined possible available solutions for the emerging world climate and energy crisis.


  1. interesting but in the same time a bit naive.
    AI can learn faster and can share faster than human.
  2. Jamais and myself have a troubled past I surreptitiousness associated him with evil. Ask him :)
  3. You might like Ben Geortzel's talk on the Future of Communication where agents instead of words are born with the sole intent of being, who's life purpose is to be understood by the intended recipient(s).
  4. Art is a vast language - it is kind of like all forms of speech is a language, and languages are really just dialects ;)
  5. Glad you picked up on that too :)
  6. Surely you know Jamais Cascio? Ever heard of his study on the Cheese Burger Footprint?
  7. Hey I have seen that guy before somewhere.

Additional Information:

Visibility: 1767

Duration: 42m 2s

Rating: 37