James Arthur - Recovery

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Music video by James Arthur performing Recovery. (C) 2013 Simco Limited


  1. Great
  2. One of the best song. EVER.
  3. Hey I've just done a cover on this song and would really appreciate it if u guys could take a look at it and tell me what u think ❤️❤️
  4. who's still watching this 2017
  5. I know I'm not the only one and recovery mashup!!!!
  6. happiness on cost vcmuon controversy debt please apartment crack cheek ear.
  7. There's just something so authentic about him. His songs just make you feel.
    Hope to go to one of his performances one day.
  8. Great song and video 😀
  9. who is watching this in 2017?
  10. 4 18 17
  11. damnnnn his lrics are so deep <3 and so true and they are just amazing...
  12. love James Arthur
  13. Please let me like this song uncountable times. Please!!!
  14. I am watching this in 2017😍
  15. 😻😻 cantas hermoso me encanta lo que trasmites en tus canciones
  16. 2017 listening. Rhon
  17. who is watching this in 2017?
  18. His personal experiences speaks through his music...awesome song
  19. Who is watching this in 2017 :-):-):-):-)
  20. whos watching this in 2017

Additional Information:

Visibility: 48647192

Duration: 4m 3s

Rating: 360740