Japan's Micro Apartment Boom

Concept, photos, videos, examples, construction

Limited space and tight budgets have caused a boom in building tiny, cramped living spaces.


  1. Call me crazy but here I am thinking these tiny homes look really cosy!
    The John Malcovich reference was a bit too claustrophobic for me probably because you can't stand up properly, and for a family of course living in a tiny house like that would be hell but as a singleton I wouldn't mind living in a house that size. I really home they make affordable homes like this in London someday.
  2. I am so scared that this is going to happen in my country. Too many people, too little place (it is already happening in some part of it. I'm afraid in the future it will be all of it).
  3. important is if is your....
    better 2000sq bank own or 200 u own?
  4. trisha takanawa
  5. claustrophobic !!
  6. I wanna have it!
  7. I know we want better design and be more efficient and daring with refined space....but this is BS people should be furious!
  8. Only the Japanese can tidy away their life this way. Americans lack culture and too materialistic to live this tight.
  9. Wow that is tiny living! Check out our new homesteading channel for simple living!
  10. sure beats living in HK's cramped quarters.......
  11. How does the government expect its people to start a family with these living conditions?
  12. where i live we have 4000 sq ft houses
  13. i love the idea of the tiny movement ,but concerned about people who are in wheel and other medical equipment that is Large oh how a bit sad 😱😥 will we die out like the dinosaurs in this tiny house movement will it come to that. I would love too live mortgage free and I have to admit they are very cute I want to just say all will Japan take a risk and make a tiny house for a person in a wheelchair with disability don't forget about us tiny house movement and architects of the tiny house movement
  14. I'm excited about the pontential of small living spaces, this is why I purchased an RV trailer!
  15. They use Chinese-ish music for showing a Japanese apartment.
  16. lol ya ok. not for me
  17. its for those without any hobbys
  18. Sorry but isnt America the fatest country? We might not even fit inside or get inside to begin with.
  19. that lisp was killing my ear lmao.
  20. Omg! I am thankful for my house with Four big bedroom , 2 bathroom, with big yard and two car garage

Additional Information:

Visibility: 2795994

Duration: 3m 2s

Rating: 10629